5 Podcasts for the G.E.M.
We thought we would compile a few of our favorite podcast episodes that we find ourselves returning to time and again. We hope they will keep you company as you are out on a walk/run, folding some laundry or hiding from your kids in your closet (we know the feeling)!!
As with all of our Upstream content, if you notice yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed or “not enough” as you listen, we would encourage you to kindly name it, make note of what might have contributed to those feelings and ask yourself if this is serving you in this moment. If it’s not, consider setting it aside and returning to it another day. It’s not uncommon for us to encounter uncomfortable feelings as we consider the current patterns in our family and the ways we might move toward growth and change. Our hope is that you would feel held and supported in the midst of this process, knowing that you are not alone!
Grace & peace to you in your listening,
5 Podcasts for the Good Enough Mother
On Comparative Suffering, the 50/50 Myth, and Settling the Ball (UNLOCKING US with Brene Brown // Mar 27, 2020 )
5 Ways Parents Can Make Their Lives Easier Right Now (UNRUFFLED with Janet Lansbury // April 20, 2020 )
The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity and Resilience in Your Child (PARENT FOOTPRINT with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson // Episode #37)
Never Too Late to Become the Parent You Want to Be (UNRUFFLED with Janet Lansbury // Feb 5, 2019)
Try Softer (MOMS STRUGGLING WELL with Aundi Kolber, Episode #219 )