a note from Ally & kelley about faith

First, we hope that this content will be accessible for anyone, regardless of their beliefs and background! We welcome people of all faiths or no faith, and truly hope that anyone who values and longs for connection, renewal, and healing will benefit from this material and experience ease and welcome in this experience.

We also wanted to be clear and genuine about who we are and how we have come to integrate what we have learned from attachment & regulation science with the narrative of God and his people. The Christian faith is central to our lives and understanding, and we also embrace science as a powerful source of wisdom. We deeply value the integration of our faith with the science of trauma, stress, and healing. Underlying all of our content is the belief that we were made for relationship and connection-- and that it is connection that most deeply soothes, regulates, and invites us to rest and feel safe in our bodies.

We understand God as the one who repairs with us when we have breaks in relationship with Him. He ultimately moves toward us and re-establishes relationship in our deepest moments of brokenness, distress and dysregulation. We see this mirrored in the science of attachment and regulation, and believe this is a primary source of flourishing for all humans.

We understand God as nurturer & consoler who sees the pain and distress of his people and enters in. He is the One who wept with Mary over Lazarus, the One who gathers his people like a hen under her wings, and who invites us to rest against him like a weaned child. These are pictures of great tenderness, compassion, and deep relational rest.

We understand God as creating us not only for relationship with Himself, but also for relationship with others. He has made us in such a way that we are soothed by safe and connected relationship with others.

We understand God as caring about our regulation - even in the midst of stress and suffering, we are made to build communities in which we can rest and be safe. We see this mirrored in the science of attachment and regulation, and believe this is a primary source of flourishing for all humans.

We hope this articulation of faith helps you understand where we are coming from and some of the framework that underlies all that we hope to do with this work. But, we also want to be clear that we have intentionally designed this space to be accessible to all. We welcome and bless each and every one of you, no matter your path in life, as you join us on this journey toward deeper attachment and more regulated nervous systems!

With love and respect, Ally & Kelley